Sunday, August 24, 2014

Getting Started

Have you ever wanted to do something but you can't seem to figure out where to begin?  ME TOO!  Maybe you don't know exactly what you want to do, or how it should look. Or you need to think it through and nail down the details, and then you'll do it. Or maybe you are too AFRAID to put yourself "out there" and just do it!  This has been the story of my life...but not any more!  

I made a canvas around New Year's 2013 to remind myself every day to take some risks, start doing some of the things I want to do, but never do! Here's what the canvas looks like:

So here it is, halfway through 2014 and I am finally taking a risk doing something I've wanted to do for a long time: This blog!!!  Here's what I'm thinking. Life has been entrusted to us and I believe someday I will have to defend how I lived this one and only life I have been given.  The point is to learn, grow, FLOURISH!!!  And I have found that I do these things best when I have other people walking the road alongside me.  And that's the purpose of my blog- to be someone who shares their walk along the road of life. With that being said, here are my "disclaimers" right up front.

1. I'm Ordinary!  I can already hear my sister telling me to change my thinking, but it's true. I'm not an amazing diy'er who has projects galore just waiting to be shared.  I love food and I can cook and bake with passion, but I'm not going to be the next new face on The Food Network.  I want to be healthy and fit but I don't have a following on YouTube or any other social media site.  I love to read and exchange ideas but I won't be publishing any original, earth shattering ideas any time soon.  BUT...I do love sharing the simple things in life that make me happy, whether it's making my home a cozy, relaxing place to be, whipping up some yummy dish in the kitchen, or sharing a thought that came to me while I was watering (which is usually when I'm most inspired-really!).

2. I'm a hot mess a lot of the time!  (Again I hear my sister's voice) I wish I had it all together but that's just not the case.  I'm still a work in progress and the reality is that my life is messy, unpredictable, bumpy and glorious all at the same time, and I live on one side of the spectrum, it seems, more often than not.  But I do delight in the simple things like good coffee every single day, playing badminton with my kids when they're home, hitting the Farmer's Market on a Saturday morning, getting lost in a good book, and a good night's sleep. You get the idea.  This blog will be the real me, with real life and my thoughts on it.

Happy getting started! I hope you'll join me!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I get to share the road of life with you in cyberspace AND life ❤️
